Choose the mold that you like the most! 30 easy and cheap ideas to make a concrete раtһ in your driveway or garden

To have a complete house design, we must consider the open spaces outdoors, and the first thing in the sight of all is the facade. The house’s facade is the first impression of our home, and there are a lot of resources to make it look ѕрeсtасᴜɩаг, from its color, the materials, gardens, and paths that will lead us to the direct access of the house.

Today we will give you some ideas that you can do to beautify your facade with the help of a concrete раtһ. See all the options and get to work.


An easy and cheap way to make a concrete раtһ is with the help of a mold.


Choose the mold that you like the most.


Choose the mold that you like the most.







The раtһ is a perfect way to guide you to the front stairs.






If you want it to be something other than a раtһ, adapt the shape to your yard.











