The touching story of a nature reserve keeper and a baby elephant’s journey to happiness

The heartwarming tale narrates the journey of Joe, a baby pygmy elephant who lost his mother due to unknown poisoning in the lush rainforests of Malaysia. Despite the tragic loss, Joe manages to find a new family and love through his resilience and unwavering spirit.

The visible distress of the young elephant was incredibly moving for wildlife officials, causing them to shed tears. His struggle for survival has led to a heartwarming relationship between him and his caretaker.

Joe received 24-hour care at a nature reserve following the tragic incident. There were concerns that he would not survive due to heartbreak or ingesting poison through his mother’s milk. Despite this, Joe’s fortunes changed when he met Augustin David, a 29-year-old keeper at the reserve.


Augustin and Joe share an incredible bond built on trust and connection. Augustin has become like a surrogate parent to the young elephant, providing him with the love, attention, and care that he desperately needs. Augustin’s schedule is grueling, much like that of a parent, as he must feed Joe every two hours with a specially formulated milk tailored to meet his nutritional requirements.

At Lok Kawi Zoo in Kota Kinabalu, Joe is living a new life that involves spending fun-filled hours with Augustin – the caretaker of the baby elephant who runs around the zoo. Joe, despite disliking showers, adores the attention and affection showered upon him by his surrogate parent.


According to Dr. Diana Ramirez, the veterinarian in charge of taking care of Joe, the baby elephant is still at risk since young elephants have a tendency to get colic, which can lead to death in no time. Nevertheless, there is optimism that Joe will recover because of his determination to stay alive and the special relationship he shares with Augustin.

Ongoing investigations are being conducted to determine what caused the poisoning that resulted in the deaths of 14 adult elephants in Malaysia. One theory suggests that the tragic incident might have been caused by palm oil plantation workers, who could have laid out toxic substances to protect their highly profitable crops from pests, which the elephants may have accidentally consumed.

The Borneo pygmy elephant is an endangered species, and the majority of their declining population is located in Malaysia. In the event that Joe survives, he will likely spend the remainder of his life at the 280-acre park due to the challenges rescued elephants face when adapting to the wild. However, he will have the company of 16 other injured or orphaned elephants who are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their newest family member at the reserve.

The touching account of Joe’s survival and the bond he formed with his surrogate parent, Augustin, is a powerful reminder of the need to protect endangered species and preserve wildlife habitats. By supporting ethical sanctuaries for these magnificent creatures and raising awareness about the threats they face, we can help ensure that future generations can experience the heartwarming relationships that can develop between humans and animals.

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