Expand your horizons with beautiful giant sculptures

Chad Knight, a 41-year-old visual artist, has been gaining popularity for his mind-blowing 3D drawings. He possesses a unique approach to creating digital sculptures that captivate people across the internet. According to Chad, he believes that he has been a visual artist since birth, and it goes beyond being just a profession but an integral part of his identity.

He explains that his mind is overactive and noisy, and creating modern art is one of the few ways he can stay present. Chad used to be a professional skateboarder for 16 years, which served as his creative outlet. However, due to waning enthusiasm for broken bones and limited skateboarding opportunities, he discovered a new avenue for self-expression through his visual art explorations.

In his creative process, Chad emphasizes that his desire for continuous improvement acts as a significant motivator. He derives enjoyment from both the process and the final outcome of his work. Many people perceive symbolism in Knight’s surrealistic pieces, and they are correct. Every element in his art represents something or someone, and he considers his work as an encrypted journal that he can share with the public.




















