A mini banana variety appeared in the world, you must be surprised

Mini ornamental banana is most noticeable in its shape,  unlike other common banana trees, mini ornamental banana is only 50cm – 70cm tall in an adult tree , the smooth body contains a lot of water with glossy green color, prominent lines. feather veins.


The banana leaf vessels are oval, smooth surface with dark green color with parallel ripples.  Mini ornamental banana leaves grow in layers outwards, while the leaf sheath is close to the stem, the veins will be clearly visible up close.


Normally,  mini ornamental banana plants must be 1.5 – 2 years old to start laying the first banana flower.



Mini ornamental banana flowers  are white, with a strong but pleasant fragrance.  The tree will self-flower all year round with large inflorescences, and  when the result will produce 3 – 5 bunches per chamber, with from 10 fruits, even over 20 fruits per bunch.


Mini ornamental banana has tiny fruit, the length of the fruit is only about 5cm, when ripe, the fruit is bright yellow. In particular, mini ornamental bananas can be eaten and eaten very well . Therefore, mini bonsai is an interior plant that is delicious to eat but beautiful to make.


2. Uses of mini bonsai trees


Mini ornamental bananas  are very suitable for planting decorative pots, desks, offices, living rooms, dining rooms, balconies, corridors, terraces … to help bring a fresh, green space to the house.



In addition, indoor mini banana plants can also purify the air, regulate the temperature and remove toxic substances,  especially when the pollution in urban areas is now at a worrying level.


3. The feng shui meaning of the mini bonsai tree


Many people grow mini bonsai trees not only for fun, but  also for the feng shui meaning of bringing a lot of luck, fortune, prosperity and peace to the owner.


Old student often have a saying: “before the areca tree, after the banana”  because most of the houses in the countryside cannot lack areca trees, banana trees, trees that have become familiar symbols, beautifying the landscape for each person. house.



In fact, due to the circumstances, living and living conditions, the are now different from the past, the living space is also shrinking, so growing a  mini bonsai tree in the house is said to absorb the vitality. Bad things are hidden in the family.


In addition, the mini bonsai tree grows quickly, produces strong buds, luxuriant leaves and continuously produces seedlings, so it is considered a symbol of proliferation, suitable for all 5 pars in the five elements.


















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