Despite being surrounded and Ьіtteп by dozens of hyenas, the wіɩd buffalo continued to leisurely graze on the grass without any apparent reaction, seemingly unconcerned about the oᴜtсome of the situation. na

Although hyenas are large carnivores, their body structure has not evolved to become hunters like cheetahs or lions. That’s why they are opportunists, often stealing food from other species.

They are also very intelligent because they know how to locate food by tracking and taking advantage of scavengers like vultures. Therefore, we can rarely see hyenas hunting like lions or cheetahs.

However, that doesn’t mean they can’t hunt. In fact, hyenas are greedy carnivores that can take down even large prey such as zebras, wildebeest, buffalo…

In the recorded footage, a herd of hyenas attacked a large wild buffalo together. The way hyenas take down their prey is also very different from other carnivores.

Some animals in the herd will attack the wild buffalo in a dangerous place, others will bite the prey tightly to keep it from running away. Next, other hyenas will devour the prey until the victim dies from blood loss.

Surprisingly, the wild buffalo did not show any pain or try to run away, but leisurely grazed the grass as if it did not feel any pain.