55 Garden arrangement ideas decorate the base of a simple tree. It doesn’t look cluttered. Even a small space can be beautiful

Let’s change the empty space in the house to look brighter and more lively with ideas for arranging a garden, decorating the tree base easily, not looking cluttered, even a small space can be beautiful. focus on beauty look with nature It helps to make us happy mentally as well. Can be designed to meet the needs infinitely. Suitable for all garden styles For anyone who loves gardening Let’s take a look at this idea.

Small garden focus on simplicity but looks tidy Looks very clean and comfortable.


Should be planted as an ornamental shrub. Add decorative flowers to look like a backdrop. The contrast with the white stone floor will help drive the trees to stand out even more.


A small garden along the wall helps to change the perspective to make the house look brighter.


Considered to use the available space to be useful and worth the most.


Can adjust the angle as needed


Easy to manage, easy to maintain Suitable for any home with little space.
