It does need to fully occupy all steps to make it pleasing. A few pots with roses and other flowers is enough to fix an average view.

Tradıtıonallƴ, Staırs are decorated wıth pure stones, such as several brıck stones. However, as modernızatıon arrıves so does new ıdeas and unıque desıgns.

Potted trees and flowers crowding along the sides looks lush and green. Large plastic and clay pots planted with trees, non-flowering plants and colorful flowers gives more volume and life to a plain facade.

Thıs attractıve ımprovement on outdoor steps decoratıon ıs movıng ıts waƴ onwards, as tradıtıonal outdoor steps made of stones alone somehow appear to be unınvıtıng.

Some of the common tropical flowers like bougainvillea and "mayana" planted in large plastic pots with bottom plastic pot plates.

Hence, some creatıve fellows have added a few materıals, such as wood, sand or pebbles and a touch of colors from flowers wıth suıtable pots, to make ıt lıvelıer.

These modern and stylish outdoor steps feature bricks, pebbles and huge stones. You can see clay pots in the background but the focus is on the wooden pot stand, where two horizontal wooden pots are fastened. The image shows a mini garden planted with ferns, grass and variety of colorful flowers like baby's breath and pansies.

The vases are perfect to transform thıs space, the staırs alone are a cold and verƴ dull space.

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The success of thıs tƴpe of decoratıng depends on the choıce of pots and plants. It ıs ımportant to fınd a balanced combınatıon.

A mix of blossoming and green plants, along with decorative pots is just enough to attract a good view. The containers are painted in yellow and red and placed from the lower steps up to the highest steps.

Old and dusty steps are decorated with huge pots of different styles and colors. Add up the thick and bright yellow blossoms of chrysanthemum that give a lifeless staircase another hope to be appreciated.

Recycling is one of the easiest and economical way of beautifying your outdoor steps. The grey painted wood steps furnish a nostalgic theme on a nature kissed environment, while the pair of old knee high boots is recycled as flower pots that bring life to colorful petunia blossoms.

It is like paradise in a small clay pot. With enough water and comfortable pots, plants will surely grow healthier and flowers will bloom beautifully. As seen in the image, flowers are planted in small pots and lined along every step.

Clay pots planted with flowers gives life to a dull looking staircase and railings. Only one side of the staircase is utilized while two pots are place on both sides of the front door, to prevent from looking overcrowded.

String of nickels or string of pearls add up to the drama of flower pot gardening. The gothic designed pots are stylish adding to a dramatic and nostalgic ambiance.

The cat figure beside the pots make the surrounding a safe haven for animals. The over-large and medium sized ceramic pots make it more appealing with the bluish and greenish colors. Plus, the colorful blossoms and the wooden steps make it more natural and cool.

These pots manage to be more attractive than the flowers themselves. It occupies and covers the steps, making them more decorative than functional.

Resting on each step are square cans painted with white paint. It complements well with the white wall and steps edging.

This is quite hard to maintain yet the result is so beautiful. The green bushes in each corner sitting on every step are so calming to the eyes.

Having uniform pots is not necessary as long as they can grow plants well like these. The views seems to look cool and relaxed.

The ceramic pots planted with flowers serve as decorative staircase guards. It gives elegance to simple and old outdoor steps.

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creative ideas for decorating stairs with vases

Pebbled concrete steps are decorated with herbs planted in small plastic pots. These plastic pots are also known as greenhouse garden pots.

Ornamental plants can be either non-flowering or flowering and this image shows a mix of both. Some ornamental plants are best for shady outdoor steps or indoors but these plants seem to survive under the sun.

These are great shaped pots, as they can fit and sit perpendicularly to the steps' edges. Colorful vine flowers are planted into them, and these will later crawl and bloom flowers into an alley.

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Escada De Madeira Decorada Com Vasos De Flores.

Inspiração Com Vasos De Plantas.

A mixture of boot shaped and round ceramic pots, blue and painted clay pots, and metal pails are wonderful together, especially with blossoming flowers like begonias and petunias.

Notice that the clay pots are place on top of the bricks and molded rocks. This style makes it look more organized and peaceful from the upper step view.

Plants never run out of fame for as long as they grow healthy, which in turn give life to vintage type steps. Non-flowering plants match the mood while the fair colored pots sit confidently on each step.

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Good thing the steps have been simply done with no striking colors as it would not allow colorful plants to sit around. However, the wall and door are painted brighter with red and caramel colors, thus plants and pots should be a bit lighter so it won't contrast.

Inspiração Para Escadas De Pedras.


Escada Decorada Com Vasos Suspensos.

Rubble stone walls, white painted steps and clay pots with geranium blossoms are a great match. A single flower clay pot rests next to the steps while the other pots align on the upper floor.

The white background of the wall gives the flowers more chance to bloom. Since the steps are a bit narrow, it is best to hang the plants to save space.

These seem to have consecutive sizes, which are planted with several plants. These look like a mini dish garden planted with grasses, flowers and other plants standing out with their blue colored pots on old wooden steps.

Two huge clay pots rest at the base of the staircase while hanging planters grow plants on the upper metal railings. No extra blossoming plants but a few of the flowers are visible while vines and green bushes grow abundantly around.

Planted with margarita and chrysanthemum, these plastic pots become unnoticeable. The full bloomed flowers match wonderfully with the rounded brick steps.

Light red steps match with the pots while still having different styles. There is a clay pot with a blue mouth edging, accented by ceramic, checkered, embossed, and plain pots planted with daisies, begonia and pansies.

There are cans, plastic containers, plastic pots, rectangular pots, and hanging planters occupying the front door area down the staircase. Vines are intertwining on the railings while plants rest in the pots and hanging planters.

Having outdoor steps in the middle of so many green plants could be difficult to decorate. A display of two huge grey pots planted with red flowers is a good idea for simplicity and elegance.

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Credıt: Pınterest

Source:Homes ideas