You know the saying that goes “The day you wash your car is the day it finally rains” ? Do you find it annoying when, it the winter, you are about to go to work but your car windshield has frosted over and you must scratch it ?

Well, that’s what a diy carport is for: it will provide some protection for rain, snow, frost and hailstorm if you can’t park your car in a garage.

They are not very difficult or expensive to make either, so if you are considering one, you might as well do it yourself.

A carport is not terribly difficult to make or expensive to do: of course, if you don’t have the time or if you don’t mind spending the money absolutely get a professional to do it for you;

but if you’d rather save money building your own diy carport will not only be cheaper but it can provide a fun and entertaining enterprise to keep your evenings occupied.

Not only that, but you will feel so proud of yourself when you look at the carport you built with your own hands !












































