Horse tattoos are fascinating and trendy among both men and women. Our relationship with the horse dates back a mere six to seven thousand years. Cave art gives us the first documentation of horses, which were likely domesticated in Eurasia some 10,000 years ago.
They appear in mythology from China to Greece and have been relied on for travel, farming, and other purposes by many cultures for thousands of years. Horses have also been involved in almost every documented war.
Most horses in the world are in America. While we no longer use them for war horses or to pull plows and wagons, our love affair with the horse continues; be it with the real thing or tattoo designs.

Meanings of Horse Tattoos
Horses also symbolize honor, loyalty, fertility, and sexual drive.
But the meanings of the horse tattoos vary depending on cultures or countries. Throughout history, the horse is always associated with victory, honor, and loyalty as it’s indispensable in the war.
In Celtic mythology, a mythic figure in the Mabinogion collection of legends rides a “pale-white” horse linked to the Romano-Celtic fertility horse goddess Epona.
In Hindu, Hayagriva, a horse god is worshiped as the God of knowledge and wisdom, with a human body and a horse’s head.
Horse tattoos can also represent:
- Nobility
- victory
- Strength
- Freedom
Types of Horse Tattoos
Dark Horse Tattoos can be a little deceiving, for most might think of only a dark meaning associated with these horse tattoos. For your devilish side, this tat has many options available. These horse tattoos are seen most often in a head shot of the horse because of the incredible detail done on them.

Horseshoe Tattoos are also very popular with horse lovers for apparent reasons. Some people seek horseshoe tattoos for a symbolic meaning, such as a lone set of tracks, your choice of using the road less traveled, or as a simple good luck charm.
Tribal Horse Tattoos are a personal favorite for many people. Some people will use these horse tattoos to show the horse’s beauty and grace. Some may wish to have a more symbolic meaning of the horse’s strength and stamina. The tribal art patterns, with their bold dark lines, circles, and spirals, lends themselves perfectly to horse tattoos.
Warhorse Tattoos are excellent if you’re into armor and warfare. A horse used in battle was one of the very first relationships that we had with this creature. In Paris, a museum holds years of historical human armor, but armor their horses wore as well. That’s how important they were. So if you gravitate towards being a knight in shining armor, consider adding a warhorse tat to your horse tattoo design.
Horse Tattoo Designs
Horse Tattoos with Flowers

Simple Horse Tattoos

Horse Tattoos For Female

Horse Tattoos For Men

More Horse Tattoo Ideas

No matter if you choose the dark horse tattoo, the horseshoe tattoo, the blue horse tattoo, the iron horse tattoo, the tribal horse, war horse tattoos, or any other type of horse, the color will be a decision that will take some thought. Through each stage, you’ll want it to look great. All of these horse tattoos beg for color, even the tribal horse tattoos. Nowadays, many people add colored ink to the background and other elements to add dimension to their body art.
Once you’ve decided on a horse tattoo and made color decisions, you’ve probably already thought about placement. Depending on the type of horse tattoo you’ve chosen, the size will play a role.
Most of the horse tattoos we’ve discussed would wear well in a larger size and therefore could be placed on the back, chest, and leg. However, if you are looking for a smaller tattoo, then the best places are the wrist and ankle. The tribal horse tattoos would also wear well in a smaller size tattoo.