33 Weirdest Plants In America Attract By Their Scent But Are Extremely Dangerous

The videos below are extremely dangerous plants, not only attracted by their colorful colors, but also harmful to humans by their fragrance, poisons from pollen, and tree sap.

These plants are native to tropical forests, after a long time they also appear in rural areas, gardens with little care. Recorded in 2015 and 2022 in North America and South America, many fungi appear in many household orchards, and young children are susceptible to disease because of the attractive colors of these plants. When touching them with hands, after 2 minutes, our hands will be red, which is a sequelae of pollen, this chalk contains many toxins, not getting to the hospital in time can cause death.

Here is a list of 12 super dangerous fungi and plants that might grow in your backyard. Some of them look like they come straight out of hell, which makes them quite unappealing, so you will unlikely want to touch them. But some of them actually look more than normal or even adorable, and they might be even more dangerous to you and your family. Promise you will not touch any of them! There are some plants that can easily kill you.


– Death Cap is the deadliest of them all. It does not come with a name tag and is easy to confuse with edible straw mushrooms and caesar’s mushrooms. It can be found in different parts of Europe.

– Fraxinella, also known as burning bush, dittany, and gas plant thrives in the warm climate of southern Europe, North Africa and most of Asia. 16 to 39 in tall and looking sweet and innocent, it is hiding its killer nature behind the little flowers.– Giant Hogweed comes from the Caucasus Mountain region between the Black and Caspian Seas. It came to Europe in the late 19th century, and a few decades later became wide-spread in America, as well.

– Doll’s Eye might have a more terrestrial origin, but one thing is true for sure. The entire plant contains cardiogenic toxins. If you dare to eat them, they will immediately affect your cardiac muscle tissue and very likely kill you.