10 years later, this is the heartwarming moment a three-legged elephant smiled after receiving an artificial limb which allowed her to walk again for the first time


A land mine blasted her leg: 10 years later, Mosha the elephant gets new prosthetic

Watch three-legged elephant who stepped on land mine walking on new artificial limb designed especially for her

The huge creature is able to get around more freely after having the prosthetic limb fitted following her injury

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This is the heartwarming moment a three-legged elephant smiled after receiving an artificial limb which allowed her to walk again for the first time in eight years.

Mosha, nine, lost her leg back in 2006, when she was unfortunate enough to step on a land mine in Thailand at just seven months old.

After being taken to the MaeYao National Reserve in Lampang, Mosha’s leg was stitched up, but she quickly had to learn how to limp on just three legs.


But now the animal reserve, which claims to have built the world’s first elephant hospital, have created a prosthetic limb designed especially for Mosha, to give her the chance to walk on all four legs again.

In the clip, staff at the hospital can be seen attaching the leg to Mosha’s stump, before letting her try it out for herself.

Smiling and throwing sand over her back in celebration, the happy elephant was walking confidently on her new limb in just a matter of minutes.